The Tacoma Daily Ledger from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

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THE DAILY LEDGER TACOMA WASHINGTON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 1904 11 SHARP BREAK IN WHEAT MARKET wheat today And prlcn oollapaod forc-i My liquidation by buyers Last prices thawed 101e net May closed at $112 July $1-12 December $117 Hops and wool firm PRICE OF SALTED FISH IS ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION ASSIST TO KLL AMMATEi TBA debs FROM THE START plcr Ease Off I'atll Sentiment ftT Decidedly Cora sad Oats Lever la Sympathy With vkeat and Provisions Saeeamb (t prevailing Inffnence City of Seattle Nov 17 Humboldt Cottage City Nov 21 Humboldt Nov 24 Humboldt (Sitka Boat) SiiifteisrerB Alum Rule For Skagway Juneau Ketchikan and Wrangel connecting with White Pass and Yukon railway for White Horse and Dawson Sailing from Seattle at 9 a Rotr York NEW YORK Nov 17-Btocka had tnelr upa and downs today but the upa succeeded the downs and so far outran them as to leave the changes decisively on the side of galna The lat-rHIfAGO Nov 17 Beginning with tr tone of -the market became aggres- tn strong and the market broadened I Challenge Con steady tone the wheat market grad- I out The weakness was rather acute I -nv eased off until sentiment became! an? Pr1ce8 Iwfr Confidence BWj 'I than the equivalent of the ruling prices I Con pbi Va 200 Silver Hill jffjfrdlv weak December opened a I jn London The recovery of the opening Crown1 Pnt ISUnTon Con 1 a iai losses was pretty lcompjete during the bade to higher at $112 to I first hour 'The market was -only grad- OIi ni fav at $112 to $112 I ualY awakened after that trom Its walt- L12H a ing attitude the revival touching first Tlie telling was general from the start I one and then another stock the general VnrthirMteni marlceta a I hanging dull about last night level Wwknew in ortnwesiern markets was Amalgamated Copper was the feature the day This stock considering the history of some of its past movements had advanced rather soberly in the re- onf the main reasons for the de here A message from Minne- sales closing quotations for today were as follows: lSJustlce 24Mexlcan MOccldental llOOphir 340verman 47Potosl 138avage 148ag Belcher' WSierra Nevada Exchequer 44Utah Con Gould ft Currie- 11 Yellow Hale 4b Norcross 64 MISCELLANEOUS Raw York Metal Market NEW YORK Nov The market showed less activity 4100 22400 mi 72900 I wt union Saa Franetseo Mining Bteekft BAN FRANCISCO' Nov The official mining stocks 0 116 Con 74 226 12 10 23 5 44 53 57 9 Jacket metal today and seemed to be hesitating The London copper market was a little higher dosing at £66 17s 6d for spot and £06 7s 6d for futures1 The local market was quiet--and without change at $145091487 for lake electrolytic and 3142591462 for casting The- London tin market also showed a slight advance at £132 12s 6d for spot and £182 2s 6d for futures Locally the market was quiet and a shade lower on the outside prices at $278792920 Lead wae unchanged with quotations ranging 34209460 in the local market: London was off a little dosing at £12 17s 6d for- spot The London spelter market was firm at £26 2s 6d Locally the metal was also a shade higher closing at 16-609560 Iron dosed at 61a 6d In Glasgow and at 46a ld In Middles boro Locally Iron Is firm No 1 foundry Northern and 'N(p 1 Northern soft 31660917 No 2 foundry Northern 691650 Chlssss LIvMtacti CHICAGO Nov Receipts 13000 market steady good to prime steers" 36-859690 poor to medium 33609 670 stockers and feeders 32-509415 cows Rubber Goods do Tenn Coal Leather do pfd 4100 8 Realty 2700 8 Rubber U400 do pfd 4400 8 Steel 63600 do pfd 06100 300 3iao94SO heifers 317625 can- large white 8c Lima 5c Bayo 3c pink 3c Rota New walnuts 12c No 2 walnuts llc almonds soft shell 15918c net stock Brasils 12c filberts 11 pecans polished 12c: pine 10c peanuts raw Japs 6c Virginia Jumbos 9c: roasted Japan 7c new Eastern anagbark hickory nuts 7c black walnuts 7c butternuts 7c Italian chestnuts 15c Ohio chestnuts 18c OIL COAL Water white bbl XRte: Headlight bbl 21c Headlight ease 3246 Pearl- case 23c Astral $290 Elaine case $280 gasoline $245 cass $235 Flak Oysters Sto FRESH Salmon Chinook 7 lb halibut 4c perch 3c lb flounder 2c lb black cod 6c lb: soles 6c lb rock cod 7c lb 1 herring 8c lb salmon trout -7c lb OYSTERS AND SHELLFISH Olympia oysters $6 sack $2 gallon: clams $1m sack Dungeness crabs live 3186 cooked 9186 shrimps 12nj5c SALTED FISH-Pink salmon S00-lb bbls $6 sockeyes 310 salmon bellies -Alaska 316 pink $18 Holland herring kegs 15-lb 80990c Alaska herring bbls 9925 smoked scaled herrings 90s per 31 spiced herring 10-lb keg i5c codfish 2-Ib bricks 7c: whole cod 100-lb boxes 5c: cod rolls 6c: Finnan haddles 8c Puget Sound herring half bbls 100 lbs 3315 10-lb palls 40c scaled herring medium 17c Provlatona HAMS BACON Ham 12 9 13c breakfast bacon 14915c bologna sausage 8c backs sugar cured 12c smoked clear sides 11c dry salted sides 10c dried beef 16c White Label tierces llc Cottolene tierces 8c: lard compound tierces 6c Silver Leaf tierces 9c Silver Leaf 50-lb tins 10c Silver Leaf 20-lb palls 10c Silver Leaf 10-lb palls 1 0 Silver Leaf 5-lb palls 10c Silver Leaf 8-lb paUs 10c Sinclair's llc: Uc UTfcc? 12c Half ground GO'S $7 3650 Liverpool $10 Imperial 310 bales 4c bales $150 CANNED MEATS Armour's deviled hams 40c 75c devllsd hams 45c 85c chipped beef 1-lb cans 32: SL25 corned beef 1-lb cans 3140 2s 3250 lunch tongue 1-lb cans 3325 -roast beef Ys 3260: 1 3140 roast chickens 33: roast mutton 3273 -roast turkey $2 feet 2-lb tins $260 8c: ap 69 6c: French polis reported that cash cwhst slow It was claimed were that w-re still buvinir Vo 3 null there were still Duying jo 4 Northern snd 4 orinern hut In not such large quantities as yesterday Continuing favorable weather for the 0 movement of gram from farms was an- Right to change steamers or sailing dates reserved Berth reservations and tickets at ticket office Mo 807 PACIFIC AVERUS PHORR 1CAZR 178 other influence affecting pit traders I to 80 the stock rose with' added facility within the last few minutes of trading I and seemed to- uncover stop orders n(r tn si Kilo uv I on the bear side The close was fever- Iheember sold on to $110 while Amy I ish and Irregular in spite of Union Pa-declioed $110111 rinal quota- I sustained rise of over 2 points on December were down lc at Pacino -St Paul Chesapeake 1 4b Ohio and Norfolk 4b Western were the most prominent stocks to get as much as a point over last night but the recovery from the low point of the moni tion on December si 10110- May closed with a losa of lVJe $111 11 Influenced' bv the break in wheat -market develoned con- I In measured: a considerable lmprove- pnceo the corn market aeveiopea con- ment Heavy offerings of call money 1 i brought the rate to below 2 per cent The tone of the money market was called harder however and banker expect higher rates Foreign exchange moved upward again and sterling at Paris declined raising the pressure on our gold supply 1 Weakness in the early bond market in sympathy with stocks gave that department of the market an Irregular tone Total aJ Caspar value $11504000 United liderable weakness The market closed Mr the lowest point of the day December closed at 50(go0c a loss of lie Octi were steady in view of the weakness of other grains December closed unchanged at 2920Vic Provisions were firm early in the ses-fn but later the market weakened States were unchanged on call Ohangulnola variety ners $1259245 bulla $29425- calves $35097 Western steers- $39610 85 good to choice anS tw? of oate A car I 4c 8c -of tne macaroni variety of wheat also came in from Walla Walla county and will be shipped' on the steamer Tampico to San Pedro Cal and from there transshipped to Arlsona where it will be used aa an experiment There' were 369 sacks In the' -car and a sample waa taken to the state grain office The berry is large and very hard and apparently well filled with gluten which makes It an excellent milling wheat In the government report considerable space is given to this variety and in the report Is found the statement that It is a very good milling -wheat It Is being shipped to Arlsona by the same-' firm which a few weeks ago sent somdof rihe'Turkey Red variety to that Atatefor experimental purposes 4 Buyers in the Tacoma 'Wholesale dis trict yesterday were: Calendar of Ortlng Stringer of Larchmont Miss Minnie Lunkley of Spaiiaway Faulkner of Long Branch I Dun-kelberger' or Vaughn James os man of Yelm J- HBenstoni of Eatonville Hocking of Sumner and Ft Honthey of Buckley heavy $4: Receipts 18000: sheep' strong lambs steady good to choice wethers $4259490 fair to choice mixed 33609425: Western sheep $39360 native lambs $4359615 Western lambs $46096-80 'Raw York Fralt Market NEW YORK Nov The market for evaporated apples continues easy with few sales reported above 4c Common are-quoted at 394c prime choice £96c fancy Spot prunes are in moderate demand for the account of domestic Jobbers Oregon fruit- it Is said is pretty well cleared up and firm- while California grades are In good supply and no better than steady Quotations for the latter range from 2c to 6c according to grade- Apricots show no new feature and are a till held at 9910c and fancy at 109Uc Peaches are In light demand hut hold firm with choice quoted at 999c extra choice at 9910c fancy at 109Uc West saf Re DRIED Peaches ples Gc: apricots 9910c currantes 8c citron 15c dates Persian Fard 9c pears 10c prunes sins Blue Ribbon 36-Ib cartons Dutchess 12-os cartons 7c: loose 3-crown 60-lb boxes new 20-lb boxes' per box 85c: new black In 25-Tb boxes 4c per lb Smyrna CANNED Assorted table $160 seconds $140 gallons $5 pie assorted $1 pie $260 Gilt Edge $360 apricots table $150: seconds 3125 CANNED VEGETA BLES-Corn Standard $112 Comax 2-lhi in case $115 tomatoes Standard per doa Gilt Edge $155 standard $2401 Oats Hay aad Feed 328929 rolled oats $29930 HAY ALFALFA Wheat 3136001460 timothy' $17918 31360915 clover 3146091050: $116001250 Puget Sound $12914 Corn $2860 wheat 332 whole grain $2260: roiled 324: 32060 snorts $21922 ollcaxe meal SEATTLE Nov Jobbing Portland Wheat -PORTLAND Ore Nov export basis 90c: milling basis Be bluestem 60 higher valley 87 FINANC1AJU cent market measuring us pace appar- rlse In ently by the continuous rise in I prlce of copper reports from' the copper market pointed to the first I reactionary tendency perceptible for I I many days But this did not discour I of Amalgamated Copper But this did not discourage Amalgamated Copper In I company with the buoyancy of copper I shares ail over the world After rising Ravr Terk ffessy NEW YORK Nov U--Close: Money on call Steady 292 per cent closing bid 2 per-cent offered at 2 per cent Time Firm sixty and ninety days and six months 394 -per cent Prime mercantile paper- 494 per cent Sterling Strong' with actual business in bills at 34A68948686 for demand and at $4-840694-841 for sixty daya Posted $4859487 Commercial Bar 68c Mexican dollars 46c Government steady- railroad irregular BanlcClemrfngs" Clearings Balances Tacoma $597529 64964 Seattle- 759101 Portland 827 984 Spokane 66768 Saw fMaelsee-Hessy SAN FRANCISCO Nov Silver bars 58c Mexican dollars 46q drafts sight 2ci telegraph 6c Iterilsg BsShaa SAN FRANCISCO Nov Sterling on London sixty daya $484 sterling on London sight $4:67 Stacks Salem High Low Close 24000 86 85 102 102 97 Atchison do pfd 600 Balt Jb 16300 do 1 pfd Can Pac 48100 Cent of Chega A 33600 Chi A Alton Xoo da pfd Chi A Gt Chi A mo Chi A St 12800 do pfd Chi A do pfd A St Col South do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd Del A Hud Del Lack A Den A 600 do pfd Erls 48000 do 1st pfd 3000 do 2nd pfd 900 Hock Val 900 do pfd a III Cent s400 Iowa Cent 300 do pfd 600 South 1900 do pfd 6000 Louis A Nash z1 10 900 Manhattan 13300 Met Secs 8100 Met St Ry 22800 Minn A St 65 MKPA88U 2900 do pfd 100 Mo Pac 17900 Mo Kas A Tex' 4600 do pfd 4600 Nat of Mex pfd 2200 Cent 3300 Nor A 18600 do pfd 100 Ont-A 1200 Penn 58100 A St 100 Reading do 1st pifd do 2nd pfd Rock Isl'Co 34100 do pfd 2600 81 St A 8 2 pfd 1700 68 St 8 1500 -26 do pfd 2800 64 South Pac 16100 68 do pfd' 2200 118 South Ry 27100 36 do pfd 700 95 Tex A Pac 2900 ST Tol St A 200 Sl do pfd 5400 63 Union Pac 194900 do pfd Wabash 3700 135- 50 46 132 25V 24 200 200 4' 174-' 172 I3M 1st 80 SO U6 33 S' do pfd Whel A Wia Cent do pfd Mex Cent 7900 200 1300 '1700 22100 rf 2s regl04C A 7s 1 do coupon 104D A 10M Is reg 104N Cent 1st 10 do coupon 104 Nor Pac 3s 75 8 new 4s reg-130 Nor Pac 106 do coupon J308o Pac 4s 98 old 4e reg 106 Union Pac 4s 108 do ebupon Cent 4s 92 Atch adj 4a 93 Express Coaepamlca Salem High Low Close Adams 238 American 215 United 8tates 100 124 124 124 Wells Fargo 100 245 245 240 Mlsecllaaccma 8alrs Hlxh Low Close Copper Am Car A 204500 2200 500 400 do pfd Am Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice 1400 do pfd 1100 Am Linsed OH 100 do pfd 100 Am Loco 8300 do pfd 400 Am Sm A Ref 28000 do pfd 2800 Am Sug Ref 48700 Anaconda Co 3800 Brook Rap 22000 Col Fuel A I 33800 Con Gas 14500 Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Secs Gen Elec Int Paper do pfd Irt Pump do pfd Nat Lead Nor American Pac Mail People's Gas Press StI Car do pfd Pul Pal Car Rep Steel do pfd 3000 2400 6400 600 5600 604 300 300 lroo 4700 2300 5700 100 300 1700 1700 tMIIII to 10 of it for IEVEX BRANDS AFFECTED ESTBRD A YS CHANGES BY Eggs Are Also on the Move Again After a Few (inlet Days and An- 1 ether Cent Han Been Tncked On 9 7 the Figures for Fresh Ranch Being Now 38 and 40 Cents The chief feature in the local market yesterday was an advance In the price of salted fish Alaska herring are not as plentiful as ibey- might- be and there Is a decided scarcity of codfish in all sections of the country where they aro usually found In abundance Seven brands yesterday were advanced The biggest jump was on Alaska herring which had been quoted at 36 per barrel The quotation now is 3925 per barrel Cod rolls are quoted at -6c which is an advance of nearly lc while whole cod in 100-pound boxes advanced Eggs are again -on the move after a few days of quietness Another cent was tacked on yesterday and the fresh ranch product is now quoted at 39940c per do- en Shipments from the East are quite large and the demand -Just about equals the supply They are still quoted at 23 924c per doxen There has been no change in butter -although there Is a scarcity of some kinds Coeossat Shipment Arrives Aside from these changes and the sr-' rival of a consignment of coooanuts from Central-America there was not mych to' the market The cocoanuts are quoted at 36 per 100- and -are being offered by I one of the city dock dealers The car of bananas which was scheduled to arrive yesterday -was hand They were very large as most of the bananas are that the local dealers have received thus far this season There were only 340 bunches In the car and the aggregate weight of the fruit was 26000 pounds or an average of about 76 pounds to -the bunch 'They -arc' of the TAC9UA WHOLESALE HARgETS (Cerrastafl Dally Bluestem Na 1 19c club' No 1 85c JOBBERS PRICES UTHtssk Steers" 404c per" cwtj eow 1 Sheep-5060 Frqffe NrsIL" Fancy $425 choice $4 'standard $350 California 30-lb boxes 80c S-lb boxes $160' Bulk1 6c: package' 7a $22593 Honey-82 Yakima Gravenstelns $1 four tier Fancy navels $260 -navels $27393: seedlings and Javas $275 Tokay $125 Cornechon $122' $250 J-: Freili geteMM grown $17 Yakima' $20 V1 $2' Home grown'- too doa Cucumbers lie per- dosen Home grown 10a per dozen bunehea j- Homs grown 10c per dosen Home grown 10c per dosen Beets In sacks $1 turnips 75c Cabbage Native Garlic 0a 10C dosen Home grown-75c String Sc: wax la Bell $L2S per bog Sweet $135 i Sc per pound Eg Eq per pound' Meats eal 'poalfrjr FRESH MEATS-Cow' beef 494c steer beef wether 494c Iambs 596c ewes 404c pork 707c trimmed 10910c veal dresaed 706c Turkeys dressed 22c chickens dressed sprtng lSo ducks dressed 15c geese dressed 15c Hens He ducks 10c geese Uc turkeya 17c spring chickens 12c squabs- $2 Bdtter' Eggs sai'CkMM Washington creamery 1 28c ranch 14918c 39940c Eastern 23024c': Roblnon Cheese Co Tills ymivws hi yO ft0i DWMOi domsstla 17018c: Roquefort 45c Llmbur-gsr 18c block Swiss 16917a luu sal Coffee Cube bbls $655 per ewt powdered $640 per cwL granulated $680 per bbl: granulated sacks 8615 fruit sugar sacks 861ft extra sacks' 8565 per cwt bla $560 per cwt: Golden sacks $541 per cwt bbla $570 per cwt $545 per cwt maple sugar lie 12c and 15c COFFEE Package roast Aft-buckle's 100-lb papers $1475 Lion 100-lb- papers $1475 Whltetiouse A 1-lb cans S3o 2-lb cans 82c Green Java 17e Guatemala ll014c Salvador 10e lb Corta Rica 13c lb California' 5-gal tins 7u 1-gal tins per dos $12 -gal tins per doz $660 quartz glass per- dos $260 pints glass per doz $210 In comb 12o per lb Flour sag Farluaeeeua Ooess Olympic 70 per bbl Pyra mid $470: White 8470: Dally Bread 1470 Winner 84ao: oalay $460 Electric Light Dakota 715 Bluestem White Rose $466: Gold Medal Dakota 1615 Big Bend $460 High Flight 846s Peerless $495 Best Dakota $71 Our Best $465 whole wheat $465 8 oatmeal 50 a $700 per bbl do 10-10's $4 cracked wbeat $3 graham flour $205 rye' meal wheat 50-lb boxes $L70: buckwheat flour Rockton mills pure $375 per per bhd $360 cornmeal Apex or Wells A Apex corn $195 $2:16 RiCE-Extri fancy Japan 6c: domestic Japan La Head 405c ROLLED Crescent- 90-lb sackx $262 Crescent $290 Cascade Cereal Co's 90-lb sacks $287 -Cascade' Cereal 10-10s $315 Eagle 90's $260 Eagle 10's $272 White 5-lb boxes per box 30c white 7-Ih boxes 37c 60-lb boxes 4c: 1-lb packages 6014a 24 1-lb packages per lb 6c bales $272 RYE A Cos $435 rye flour $240 Sacks 140 lbs new lc lest quantity 3a No 1 small white 303c I I 4 a IK Vn r-i rP -Jr FLY on the FLYER TACOMA-5EATTLE ROUTE 4 ROUND TRIPS DAII Leaves Tacoma 8:15 1160 a 3:15 7:00 Leaves Seattle 660 10 a 15 5 Connects at Beattie Bellingham Everett Townsend and Vancouver Siogio Faro 35o RounH Trip: SOo Flyer Dock A Nesoenaon AgL Phone Main 211 ALASKA FL YERS Carrying MFN and For Ketchikan Muglao-Halnes and Skagway JEFFERSON Friday Nov' 18 8 8 FARALLONNov 22 9 and dates announced later Subject to change without notice THE ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO TtMTH MT MMmmmMmtm Or OmmtmmrmSml flash Tmtm Mss Ol mm Ml Ocean Steamship Co ui China Mutual Steam Nav Co Ltd Joint Service Between PUGET SOUND AND LiuGrpoo London Biaoffow 'J: VIA JAPAlf OHIXYA AND SUEZ CABAL Ssgular SaiUnca J' S' DXUCAUOM LEAVES TACOMA NOVEMBER 1A For space and rates apply to DODWXLL A CO LTD-: Phone Main gt STEAMER TYRUS Leaves for North Bay Monday Wednes-C day and Friday 1 returning Tues- day Thursday and Saturday 12 a STEAMER TYCONDA Leaves for Henderson Bay Wednesday Friday and Sunday 8 a nw returning same day American -Hawaiian Steamship Co Regular Serrlca FOR HONOLULU AND KAHULUL -B About Dea L' 7904 FROM NEW YORK 8 HAWAII AN About Dea 1904 COOK A CO Agents Telenhone Main 468 UI Tenth St Paget Sound: Elsctris IaternrbiH la effect May I 1804 Leave Tacoma cor Eighth aad A 6:00 7 HO 6 HO 8Hi (Umlted Itom -XOHk 11H0 a a UH0 IdflllHT limited bo stops) 6H4 HO' 7:14 8H4 H4 Leave Seattle Occidental and Yaaler Way-660 SM 860 (lhnltad no MapM 1064 1160 a 1868 nooa 164 1641 460 Olmlted no stops) 564 964 64 964" 964 106QluH5 a TAeonA: EASTERN I only Sun A A Ex 1 Sua I Sub I only: 1 Leave Arrive! 54 tac6ma BI821ARCK GRAHAM KAPOWSIN ELECTRON EATONVILLE LAGRANDE ELBE j-a ASHFORD 9:00 9:14 9:47 10 KM 10:20 1160 11:15 1261 12:80 9:00 9:14 9:47 10:0 10-20 10:89 10:0 1160 11 IS 4:14 5:0: 565 561 4:19 865 S6S a trip lull of scenic beauty and commercial resources both entertaining aad instructive Special round trip rates Sun- EXCH 4 DEPOT 94TH A BA8TC Harris and wife to same I 6-8 51 Byrds ad 12 1 Bridge ad -1 Andrew Gulch to same 11-12 65 SUP BlflP TSC aaaaaaaaaaaiaaaa-aaaaa 205 Rec of Wash Co-op Co and of Mon--' tezuma Min Co to Western Iron Coal A Coke Co see 11-17-4 S3-18-H exc n3 nw and a2 and 1-2-3 and 6-12 Inc see 2-17-6 also 2 nw and nwnw and nw sw and s2 a2 sec 6 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a 55516 Wm Wilson and wife to White -River Power Co n2 and ae ne and ne sc 1020-5 4900 HEasterday to same 82 ne 21-20-5 1000 -M Ward to Wm Babcock w2 ne nw 35-212 eeseesees a a 100 Ticket and Freight Office Utt Paclfla Avenue Phone Main 161 ivkve i Seattle Dally lArnv 8C5AM ana local points Montana Btl Paul Chicago and Baat 7-jtra mr'FLiu'- Paul BL Louis Chicago and all points East 1:25 a mlEverott Mt Vernon Bur-lllngton Anacortes Wool-lley Hamilton RockporL IFalrhaven Bellingham IBlaine New Westminster land Vancouver lAp ml Everett Mt Vernon Burlington Falrhaven and Bellingham The "FAST MAIL -Two Night to S3 Paul nlcsgo and 4 New York The A swell train Buffet parlor ear (serving meals) on 1 31 train to Everatt ML Vsrnoa and Bellingham For rates folders and full information rail on or address SOMERS YERKKS General Agent A Tacoma Wmah Seattle Wash JAPAN-AMERICAN LIRE IYO MARU will sail about Dec 13 from Seattle for Japan carrying passengers and freight TIME CARD TRAINS Norm coast limned 199 Leave For and From Arrive 65 a ns SL Paul and Chicago 8L Paul and Chleago 9:40 North Coast Limited 8:15 pm 4:06 Kas City A St Louie 7:40 8:40 Walla Walla 1316 pm 5 25 a Seattle 1060 a A Ol aesssih iittititi 1 SB 11 At 1X1 44sif tt aeeeseeeq SMttl6 eeeeeeeee 11 44 Seattle 11 HO 25 a Sumas 40 p-B 11:90 am Bellingham 7:40 ra 435 Buckley A Karrtstnn 11:40 am 431 ra Carbonado A -Fairfax 11:40 a 10:15 a (Olympia A Grays Hbr 8:20 539 Olyxpnla A Honulam 11 HO a m- HOHSam South Bend 8:20 pm 10H5 a Portland ACftllfomla 50 a 1 HO Portland A California 8 HO 11:48 Portland A California 535pm Dally except Sunday 'Other trains dally HensraS Agent A A flk FL A Portland Ova 'X 'T j- BEST Comes from people who have been over' the Canadian Paclfla Are you one of them? -v 1 1- 7 hnoufjh Tourfmt Sisopsrg To- St Dally Mondays and Frldaya Wednesdays -s Wednesdays and Saturdays' 'it? V' 1 ORAPERi Agont Provident Building 817 Pacific Ava' Tacoma Calvin Philips A Co to Halley Cabell und 1-44 inc 37 TftC i -J Or Thomas Jr to same same prop' Corey and wife to Henry Berger 1-6 Inc 4 1-2-8 3 May-near ad Fern Geo Savage and wife to Geo Scofield und 50 a of 140 a of 2-3 and ne 2422 i 1 Jas Clark to Geo Post 12-13-14 4617 Bouthside ad Post and wife to Nannie "A Cook 1-2 3 Wygants ad 2-3 Eureka First Free Church to A- Kahler 1 Xj 1 209 a a a Sam Martin and wife to Cavanaugh 112x190 fe off side blk 1 BUbdlV a a a a a a a' a ae a a a a a a a Wm Houtz and wife to Gar- rish 9-12 Inc 19 Houtz ad Nelson to Nelson 10-11 19 Coulters ad -aaaaaaaaaa'a a'a a a a a a a a White and wife to Watson Jr nw ne n2 nw and sw nw 34-21-lw 1600 Geo Jackson and wife Jennie Davis and Lucy Mason to Ruddock n2 nv se 2-20-3 1250 Anna Schofield to Jno May 5 3 1 Byrde ooO Imp Co to Chaa Wallis 12 22C3 3W0 Thomas and wife to sc Co 100 ft over ne 3M6-6a 1 Mary Dudley to Spinning 8 and 2 2 7 Stewarta ad Puy Ellen Thompson to -A Am ton 8-9-10 12 Masons ad McDaniels and wife to same 7 9 gt Byrds ad 150 150 425 225 800 750 523 210 600 sympathy with grain At the close January pork Was off ogTVJc lard was 'turn 2c and ribs were 25c lower The leading futures ranged as follows Open High Low tose Wheat No yiy July Corn No 2 December jniv Oats No' December 29 gif 317s Inly fili hfcH pork per January 1277 1277 1262 1296 May 1277 1282 12TO 1870 Laid per 100 January 710 710 7 05 706 lay iS 725 720 730 Short ribs per -M0 January 6-67 657 662 662 Nay 670 670 666 666 Cash quotations were as follows: Easy No 2 spring 31109113 No 3 2 red 31149116 No 2 64c No 2 yellow 58c Oats-No 2 932c No 2 white 82c Ko I white 31932c- No 2 79c feec Barley-Good feeding 88c ebolce malting 42962c No 1 31-U No 1 Northwest- Timothy Prime 3270 -Mass Per -bbl per 108 16a 369797 Short ribs Loose 36879715 Short clear Boxed $68597 fair to Basis of high "wines $L24 Clover-Contract grade 31226 4 Shipments WbeaC Ebstels 84 Corn bushels 207400 Oata- bushels 91700 Rye bushels i-llOOO Barley- bushels 7700 Ob the produce' market today -the butr market waa steady creamery 16921c 106800 168:600 8900 20800 I -OS Finn: 10c Strong '17020c firsts 20923c priaa HrBta'-'lS926cr extra 37c i A Sna Frsnelieo BAN FRANCISCO Nov Wheat and barley weaker Call board sales: December 3145 Barley-December 3108 Large yellow 313591 421 toet quotations: Shipping milling SEhffl-65 Feed $10791-13: brewing SJser17 Red 31229160: white $L439 184 black $127Q162 Bran $176091860: middlings nssT' Wheat $10915 wheat and oat C0ffl4 barley $9912 alfalfa 091168 799 stock $597 straw per bale Apples choice $125 common ft banana Mexican limes $49 13 California lemons choice 3360 common $1 oranges navels $1500275 Pineapples $16094 Early Rose 40965c river Rfla 60070c Salinas Burbanks 90cQtU5 -wwt 65086c Oregon Burbanks 66c0 Garlic 404c green peas V6e string beans 306c tomatoes 459 eg plant 31 Turkey gobblers 16917c hens- 1390c roosters' old 340450' young 35600 broilers small $26093 urge: 335004 fryers 346005- hens 3450 ducks old 34500560 young 350650 Fa icy' creamery 20c seconds n5f 4ilnr 16c seconds 14c Store 25040c fancy ranch 45a Young America ll912c East-tni 13914c quarter sacks 15629 2771 barley centals 69- centals 62 beans sacks 2786 sacks 20O hay-- tons 399 bales 286 bides number 336 fengllsh Grain Markets LONDON Nov 17-rWheat cargoes on buyers Indifferent English markets partially cheaper UVERPOOI Nov Wheat in Paris 11 -635560 flour In Paris barely 2221 56003360 French country "rxsts firm New York Irogi Receipts exports 57890 barrels Mar-with moderate activity lBftSftrscit- 15900 bushels sales of futures Spot easy 1-02 a afloat No 1 gortben Duluth 3124 afloat Manitoba 3108 afloat uing pressure was brought to bear on 0MMISSI0N QR AIN STOCK BROKERS llic9 He Imfmrmmt fmm Lmnm RAL OFFICES I tte EMgXtoaeapolle II Ills Man 741 Cm-- Bt Tacoma 7c Muscatels 4c figs 18a 2-Ib assorted gallons 2-bjr Western 2 do 86c gallon hay barley bran $B60i tions are as follows quota Oats per ton $27029 bran $21 barley rolled' $25 feed wbeat $32 dairy chop feed $19020 best chop $26: oil meal $33 wbole corn 1 329 cracked $29 feed cornmeal $29 shorts $21922 Hay Eastern 'Washington timothy $1850 alfalfa $13914 wheat hay $15 -Eastern Washington double compressed $20 Puget Sound hay $1401450 Butter ssfl Ckeesc' Cheese Eastern 1201Sc Oregon 13c Colifornla 12a Native Washington creamery 28c' 1 Eastern In tube" 23c Eastern In bricks 24926c Eastern storage tub 22c fresh ranch 18a Bffge Dressed' 15916c live 12c geese dressed 12915c: turkeys fancy local dressed 19022c turkeys live 19 0 20c young bens 13 chickens dressed 140 -16c spring broilers 14015a Bernard Shaw's Eccentricity George Bernard Shaw whose and Superman'' will be presented shortly by Robert Loialne is that curious anomaly a literary man of Independent a fact -which makes the playwright himself rather aggressively independent Cyril Maude- once confessed to Mr Bhawr have taken the liberty of cutting six lines- put of the -third act of 'You Never Can Tell -v i Mr Shaw replied 'Waft liberty thkt I cannot myv dear sir 1 you must under- stand that with those lines ft wpuid be Impossible to put on the -exclaimed -the dramatist: "you say so- My good fellow you delight Weekly You must keep up with the procession 'If you want to hear the musia REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Tacoma real estate transfers for November 17 amounted to $78748 making a total for the year to date of $6399923 conveyances were: -C Spencer and wife to Temple 1-6 inc 13 Woods 1 ad Puy Arda Hunt and wife to A A Hunt 2 2 se ne 13-21-le Blattner trustee to Shaw 47 Fox Is Villa Tract A Lambettsen and wife to Thos Christensen to A Rice timber on sw nw and nw sw 13-17-2 Meath and wife to -Elizabeth Bowers n2 se se and he sw se 14-20-2 Oscar Bower to same all int In all real prop of Jno Bowers de- mi -Oregon1 Short Jjne Union Pacific Why Not 1 Try It? We claim it is the quickest the safest the most comfortable route to the East for tirst-class or tourist passengers Palace and tourist sleeping cars smoking and library cars reclining chair cars seats free ROBERT LEE -Agsat UM Paelffe 4 rsasq Tacoma Waslu E- ELLIS Agent 618 First Avc Seattle Wash Or A Zm CRAIG Gen' Pass Agent Portland Ore SAN FRANCISCO Nov New 36932c RETOUCHING PHOTOGRAPH Faints' tsAsMtean 'for 'Treating r- the Eye Tbs eye is the dominant feature of the human -face ana its expression' as 1m- Jiressivs as the language therefore lte reatment demands careful "consideration In an art 'school where painting Is taught It Is generally pointed out the formal -differences assumed by the eye at various period of life the from' childhood to: youth and rom yputh- to old: age but here we dispense -ourself 7 of these Instructions a a we presume that every photographer more or lose knows at least now to light each one of his subjects according to their eyes being deep set or full eta We will simply point' out a few difficulties which are commonly experienced In making a photographic--drAwlng There Is a marked' difference of character between the eye of men and- Chat of women the former is epic and full of energy while the latter Is formed soft and brilliant -only for -the expression of tender sentiments a skillful retoucher ought to preserve this difference-- In retouching the eye the most important point Is to determine on -the correct shade of It and guard with great caution against getting- It too dark when very minute portion' of-the structure of the eye is visible -every line1 must' have Its place in the drawing and every part must be signified but without any degree of severity n-' Every- part of the eye must balanced and adjusted with- tjie most -unquestionable-accuracy order to preserve the necessary Impression of the orlglnaL The eyebrows must not be mads as a -hard and solid mass cutting the brow with a sharp line All that has been said In the way of caution against severity of line in drawing the eyes Is applicable also to the eyebrow It is frequently a strong feature especially after middle age and mostly in men The drawing therefore must be -extremely careful: we know the eyelids are fringed with hairs which are called eyelashes' no attempt be made to describe them as- formed of hair however: gt the distance at which one looks at a photograph especially a large ones tbs upper eyelash has the appearance of a well-defined line but always less strongly worked at tbe Inner corner near the nose while the lashes of the lower lid are but slightly marked The pupil of the eye Is another- difficult and Important part It' requires great nicety of drawing formed of very delicate circles only as strongly marked as the -natural shade of the Brooklyn Eagle Cars of Men's Cletkes The cloth of which suits are made needs constant care or -it soon gets dusty and shabby looking Provide yourself with a small cane and with It beat coats etc thoroughly then lay them out smoothly on a table and brush them You will need two brushes one with stiff bristles for brushing out splashes of mud and a softer brush for ordinary use Take care that the garments are quits dry before you brush them then start with the collar and work downward Light trousers may be easUy cleansed by rubbing them over with dry pipeclay letting1 ft remain on for four hours ana then brushing it out Shots In black cloth will generally yield sponging with equal parts of hot water and spirits of hartshorn and a little borax dlssloved in euds made of good soap and soft water will cleanse woolen goods nicely To prevent coats from wrinkling keep them when not In use on hangers If the elbow or knees get out of shape lay a damp cloth on them fold them up and leave them for a couple of hours Then lay the garment- on the ironing board smooth out with palms of the hands and pull gently In every direction I till the stretched part lies flat Cover with a cloth and press with an Iron but take care to have a niece of material between the Iron and the cloth or a shiny mark win be left which will be as disfiguring as the former bagginess The Efficacy of Prayer Mrs Maude Howe Elliott "tells of a conversation that once took place in a friend's house In Boston In which there were discussed certain phenomena of the mind one observed that it was a curious fact that no man could do one thing and think of another During the 'discussion a little girl of the (laughter of the host was listening attentively' can do one thing and think of she said Is asked her father she said very easy for me to say the Lord's prayer and to think almost anything else I want to I do every Weekly the chap who says he care filthy lucre who Is always wanting to borrow a quarter ii 'if 'V MAlUHOOD RESTORED "cnnDEir Thla great vegetable vitalise tbe prescription of a famous French physician will quickly cure you el senses the liver and klaneya strong hens and restores euroa without an operation 5000 testimonials A written guarantee given motley refunded if six bottles do not effect a permaaept euro $1 a box six gas Send for ftea olreular and testlmonlala For Brio by Wyakooo-Vaaghom Corner ninth naff Faolffo A4.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.